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The nomination period for the GSSC School Council has now closed.

Please find below the nomination notification listing the names of the nominees.

Thank you to all those who nominated, it is great to see parents, staff and community members willing to give up their time to be representatives on School Council.

Nominations received for the parent and school employee member positions for Greater Shepparton Secondary College School Council Election 2024

The following nominations were received by 4.00pm on Tuesday 27 February 2024

Parent member - Number of vacancies Four (4)

Name of nominees:

  • William Hemming
  • Narelle Willing
  • Joel O’Sullivan

As the number of the nominations is less than the number of vacancies, we declare those who nominated as being elected. Congratulations!

The nomination period for the Parent Category will be extended by three days to call for nominations for the remaining vacancies. Nominations for the remaining Parent Category vacancy will close on Friday 1 March at 4.00pm.

School employee member - Number of vacancies Three (3)

Name of nominees:

  • Kerrie Souter
  • Stephanie Tregear
  • Kayla Doncon

As the number of the nominations is the same as the number of vacancies, we declare those who nominated as being elected. Congratulations!

Barbara O'Brien, Executive Principal.