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At Year 10 students will undertake the core subjects of English and Mathematics. For English, students will apply to undertake Practical English, General English or English as an Additional Language (EAL). For Mathematics, students will apply to undertake Numeracy, Foundation Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, or Specialist Mathematics.

Students will have the opportunity to select from a range of elective subjects and will study 8 electives over the course of the year. All electives have been designed to prepare students for a VCE, VET or VCAL pathway. Electives are offered in the subject areas of English and EAL, Arts, Technology, Music, Humanities, Science, Health, Physical Education and Languages.

Our Year 10 students will be supported by the Careers Team to further develop their Individual Career Action Plans in preparation for subject selection. This helps them to set their own goals, clarify what they need to do to achieve those goals and commit to participating in activities identified in their plan.

Careers-based activities, like work experience, are also a feature of Year 10. Students and parents take part in a session with a Career Consultant to discuss pathways options based on the Morrisby Online Careers Assessment Tool. Couse counselling sessions will be available to all students.

Students select subjects based on their desired pathway. Current Year 9 students are encouraged to talk to their teachers about whether they are ready to fast-track a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject in Year 10.

For more information see:

Edrolo registration information:  pdf GSSC Payment Portal Parents Letter (181 KB)

Please note students 2024 Subject Selections have been emailed out to students via GSSC email accounts. Please ensure your child checks their email account and previews selections. Any concerns/changes to subjects should be directed to your child’s Sub School Leader.